

I have been fortunate to be surrounded by creative people my entire life, musicians, artists, etc. Ever since I can remember, designing of all kinds has been a creative outlet for me (just ask my mom, an expert seamstress, who had to help me sew things I created from as early as the age of 10😬). Jewelry, however, has always intrigued me.  I can remember from an early age seeing family members wearing pieces that still stick out in my mind’s eye to this day; symbols, representations of thoughts, moods, feelings & beliefs. Making jewelry became an interesting hobby as a result.

For me, as an Italian American from South Philly, these symbols hold weight in my heart & mind, like most girls from my old neighborhood.
All of the pieces curated here mean more than just their visual appeal. To me, jewelry is a form of art, a way to honor people, places, things and moments in time. 

In the pieces featured , you will find an array of different styles; some are minimal, some more bold. My pieces reflect all different feelings and styles because, for myself and I’m sure you too, our moods change and so sometimes we want our jewelry to reflect that.

While jewelry will be my main focus, stay tuned for other accessories to compliment what we do!

Part of my future mission through sales from beautiful friends like you, is to help support music/arts programs.  My maternal grandfather was a highly gifted musician, and I spent countless hours with him in his "element", and I know the value and power music holds in my life and chances are, yours as well. I believe music has such a power to heal us all. So, to keep his memory ever present and part of my journey, partial proceeds benefit arts programs, along with other charities too.

It is my sincere hope that my pieces strike a “chord” in your soul as well.
How will you express yourself today?😘